Plum Brush Painting Class

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Plum Brush Painting Class

By Nan Rae Studio

The Plum
To the Chinese, the ‘Wonder of Plum’ is the miraculous sight of a gnarled, old trunk inglorious growth, with new shoots & delicate blossoms springing out everywhere from it. True to Chinese custom & tradition, it is the age of the Plum trunk that gives it elegance. In China, the beholder sees no elegance in a ‘youthful’ (new or young) Plum trunk. But the very sight of a gnarled old trunk is a great wonder of nature. In fact, so glorious is this sight that the Chinese would go into the forest in the coldest winter to search for the first Plum blossom. The sight of this very first blossom of the Plum season, seen on our gnarled, twisted old trunk, is a joyous occasion, prompting a festive toast of wine to the Plum.
How the joyful Plum blossom is painted is for the Brush artist to decide. It may be done in ku fa [outline] or mo ku [without outline] style. Happily, we will study both.
This is a 2-hr live class on painting the Plum step by step.
1 hr 40 minutes (demo)
20 minutes (Q & A)
You'll be receiving a copy of Nan Rae's Plum handout via email when you register. You'll also have the opportunity to submit your work for Nan for critique, join the class's private Facebook group, and ZOOM class meeting (a week after class).
All online classes are recorded, so if you can't make it to the live class, you can still sign-up and watch the replay of the class, which will be available a few minutes right after class. This also means that students that signed up for the class and joined live can watch the whole class again anytime!
Supplies Needed:
Xuan Paper (Flower paper)
Water Container
Paper towel
Large Orchid Bamboo and or Northern Wolf
Mountain Horse
Best Detail or Happy Dot or Rat Whisker orSmall White Cloud
Fine Detail or Small Vine
Med Vine (optional)
Winsor and Newton Permanent Rose
Sennelier Alizarin Crimson
Note: You can substitute any of the colors with what you have.
You can also use Marie's watercolor
Supplies are available at
For colors, you can purchase on Amazon or

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Nan Rae Studio


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