Intro to Peer-to-Peer Networks
By TPL Teens
Join us for a one-hour exploration of network concepts and technologies, such as community-owned infrastructure and media-sharing protocols.
We will explore some of the shortcomings of the Internet and mainstream online services. We will attempt to answer questions such as:
- What alternatives are there to centralized online services such as Facebook and Twitter?
- What is involved in building a community-owned network?
If you are interested in network infrastructure, file sharing, self publishing, privacy, or digital commons, this talk is for you.
This program includes an interactive session using the Beaker Browser, during which you will learn how to publish websites from your own computer.
If you want to participate in this activity, it is recommended you download and install the latest version of Beaker from beakerbrowser.com prior to the event.
Basic knowledge of HTML will be helpful, but is not required.
This workshop will be presented by Dante Sanchez of Toronto Mesh, a grassroots and decentralized group of volunteers which started in early 2016. Through building community-owned infrastructure using off-the-shelf hardware and open-source technology, the group seeks to address barriers to internet access in our city.
hosted by
TPL Teens