Poetry Reading: Nicholas Gulig, Cody-Rose Clevidence, and Roberto Harrison
By Woodland Pattern
Poetry Reading featuring Nicholas Gulig, Wisconsin Poet Laureate and author of The Other Altar (Center for Literary Publishing, 2024), Cody-Rose Clevidence, author of The Grimace of Eden Now (Fonograf, 2024), and Roberto Harrison, author of Isthmus to Abya Yala (City Lights, 2024).
Nicholas Gulig is a Thai-American poet from Eau Claire and the current poet laureate of Wisconsin. The author of North of Order, Book of Lake, and Orient, his most recent collection, The Other Altar, recently received the 2024 Colorado Prize for poetry. Currently, he resides in Fort Atkinson, WI with his wife and two daughters.
Cody-Rose Clevidence is the author of The Grimace of Eden Now (Fonograf, 2024), Aux Arc / Trypt Ich (Nightboat Books, 2021), Listen My Friend, This is the Dream I Dreamed Last Night (The Song Cave, 2021), Flung/Throne (Ahsahta, 2018), and BEAST FEAST (Ahsahta Press, 2014), as well as several chapbooks (Fonograf Editions, flowers and cream, NION, garden door press, Auric). Occasionally a visiting poetry professor at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, they live in the Arkansas Ozarks alongside four loyal, sentient pets, and a new grief.
Roberto Harrison is a Panamanian American poet and artist living in Milwaukee since 1991. His latest book is Isthmus to Abya Yala, published by City Lights in the spring of 2024. He has also served as a publisher and editor.
hosted by
Woodland Pattern