Neuroepigenetics: DNA Dynamics in the Brain

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Neuroepigenetics: DNA Dynamics in the Brain

By Neuroscience Public Lecture

Epigenetics is about how experiences and environmental factors during your life can change how your DNA is read and interpreted, causing lasting physiological changes that can even be inherited by your children. You can think of it as adding notes to the margins of a cookbook that gets passed down from one generation to the next.

Neuro-epigenetics is specifically about the mechanisms and effects of epigenetic changes in the brain. For example, can an experience you have, like trauma or a drug addiction, affect the mental health of your children?

Tune in on May 27 to learn more about neuroepigenetics from 3 experts in the field:
  • Dr. Erica Korb, University of Pennsylvania
  • Dr. Hongjun Song, University of Pennsylvania
  • Dr. Mathieu Wimmer, Temple University

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Neuroscience Public Lecture

Neuroscience Public Lecture


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