Heat loss from dwellings with low temperature heating

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Heat loss from dwellings with low temperature heating

By Installer & elemental

Why bother getting someone else to calculate your heat losses, when it’s just as easy to calculate it yourself?

In this session, Jerry and Mike will point you in the right direction to becoming a complete professional with their introduction to heat losses for Low temperature hot water heating systems.

What Installers will learn?

Design Temperatures

1. Indoor temperatures

2. Outdoor Temperatures
a. The altitude at the location
b. Proximity to the sea, and other coastal weather patterns inc. wind conditions at the location.
c. Exposure of the building

3. Ground temperatures

Heat loss Calculation

1. Air change rates and ventilation heat loss

a. Category A: Air change rates Dwellings built pre-2000
b. Category B: Air change rates for Dwellings built year 2000 or later with only
double glazing and minimal insulation
c. Category C: New Dwellings built after 2006 complying to modern Building

2. Heat loss through the building fabric.
a. Thermal bridging
b. Heat loss calcs in practice.

3. Step-by-step through Heat loss Calcs.


Jerry Whiteley - Technical Manager CIPHE
Mike Maskrey - Training Manager CIPHE

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Installer & elemental

Installer & elemental


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