Narcissus and Bugs Brush Painting Class

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Narcissus and Bugs Brush Painting Class

By Nan Rae Studio

Painting the Narcissus is an exercise in sweeping freedom, along with elegant restraint. There is a cluster of small flowers radiating from a single stem and it is there we shall begin. The flowers are painted in the contour/outline manner.
Buggy Over Bugs! We’ll be painting the top favorites starting with the Praying Mantis and following with Dragonflies, Butterflies, Crickets and Grasshoppers. Everyone loves the Ladybug so they’re included as well along with the Cicada - symbol of rebirth.
Supplies You'll Need:
Xuan Paper (flower paper)
Water container
paper towel
Large Orchid or Northern Wolf Brush
Best Detail Brush or Med Vine or Happy Dot
Fine Detail
Colors:Sap Green
Yellow Green
Perylene Green
Burnt Sienna
Quinacridone Gold
Chinese Yellow
Neutral Tint
Note: Feel free to substitute any of the colors with what you have.
You can also use Marie's watercolor
Supplies are available at
For colors, you can purchase on Amazon or

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Nan Rae Studio


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