Mythology 101

crossroads academy

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Mythology 101

By crossroads academy

Welcome to the first session of Mythology with James!

Mythology is the catalyst that started me on the path toward occultism and witchcraft many years ago. It's more than a body of old stories; it's a coded language for communicating transcendental truths.

I have been studying mythology for over a decade with the intent of deciphering this code, and I'm thrilled to have this opportunity to share what I've learned and exchange ideas with like-minded folks.

This class, as with subsequent classes, is open to anyone with an interest in mythology, though I will be examining it from my perspective as an occult practitioner.
In other words, we will study mythology, and we will also discuss the significance of myth in practice.

But first, the basics. Mythology 101 is a foundational class for this series and will therefore pose the big questions:
- What is myth?
- How does one study myth?
- And, perhaps the biggest question of all, Why study myth?

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crossroads academy


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