Multimedia Pedagogy

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Multimedia Pedagogy

By WeVideo

With widespread misinformation, pervasive advertising, and mass social media consumption building to unprecedented heights, what can teachers and students do to make sense of all that’s out there? Join Andre Soto for an illuminating session on media literacy through practice and production of media. Teachers will learn how WeVideo can be used to enhance subject matter and promote a better understanding of relevant, real-world concepts for students.
Andre Soto
After an 8 year career as a photographer and production designer, Andre entered the New York City public school system in 2004 as an art teacher. He was an early adopter of educational technology and used his professional production experience to craft a curriculum rooted in media literacy and design thinking that can be used from kindergarten through high school. Over the past 18 years, he has continued to use innovative teaching strategies to introduce students and colleagues to the tools and techniques of multimedia production. Andre holds a professional certification in both Visual Arts and Educational Technology and currently teaches Digital Media at Blind Brook Middle School in Rye Brook, NY.
Ryan Kochevar
Ryan is WeVideo's Customer Success Enablement and Programs Director with over a decade of experience in K-12 education. Ryan creates instructional resources, designs and leads teacher training and workshops, and provides all kinds of ideas on how to use WeVideo in the K-12 classroom. Ryan holds a Master's degree in Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning with an emphasis in educational technologies from Sonoma State University.

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