Milkweed to Monarchs with Toronto and Region Conservation Authority

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Milkweed to Monarchs with Toronto and Region Conservation Authority

By TPL Kids

Did you know monarch butterflies migrate 4,800 km to Mexico every fall? Join us to see live monarchs in action and learn about the special relationship between monarchs and milkweed, discover the fascinating transformation of a monarch from egg to a butterfly, and marvel at the monarchs’ annual migration from Canada to Mexico.

This program is suitable for children ages 6-12 years. It is recommended that a parent or caregiver is present during the program. Questions about online programs? Please email us at [email protected].

Toronto Public Library is committed to accessibility. Please call or email us if you are Deaf or have a disability and would like to request accommodation to participate in this program. Please let us know as far in advance as possible and we will do our best to meet your request. At least three weeks’ notice is preferred. Phone 416-393-7099 or email [email protected].

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TPL Kids


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