WEBINAR: How to Determine Your Salary Expectations with Ashley Feinstein Gerstley

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WEBINAR: How to Determine Your Salary Expectations with Ashley Feinstein Gerstley

By Career Contessa

In honor of Equal Pay Day (yes, that means women have to work all the way until April 10th to make the same amount that men made last year for the same work!) we are going to talk salary expectations and making those expectations a reality. Because yes, equal pay is just plain fair but it's also power, freedom and the ability to have and experience the things we want in life. If that's not enough, our financial wellness greatly impacts our careers. When we are financially well we can negotiate more confidently and take more risks in our work which will have us earn more, get promoted and feel more fulfilled. Studies also show that women invest more in their families and communities than men, so when we earn more, our children, community and the causes we are passionate about reap the benefits. [It's not that much of a stretch to say that to earn more is a step toward saving the world.] Ashley Feinstein Gerstley of the Fiscal Femme and a Career Contessa mentor can share her successful and unsuccessful negotiations stories - including how she missed out on a big raise and then doubled her salary and her favorite negotiations tips.
  • Steps to determine your salary expectations
  • Tips and tricks for making your actual compensation to meet those expectations
  • Negotiation tactics to apply to your salary negotiation (and any negotiation in your life!)
  • What we can do to close the gender pay gap
  • Q/A with Lauren McGoodwin and Ashley Feinstein Gerstley
  • Replay of this webinar

hosted by

Career Contessa

Career Contessa


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