Using machine learning to eliminate wasted energy from buildings
By Green Tech South West
Green Tech South West welcomes Dan Williams and Josh Eadie, both Co-Founders of measurable.energy, to tell us about their mission to create energy efficient workplaces that inspire people to positively impact energy consumption and environmental sustainability.
To do this, they’ve built and developed specific IoT and Machine Learning to automatically identify and eliminate wasted energy and emissions from Small Power energy loads.
Small Power, sometimes known as Plug Load power, accounts for up to 40% of a commercial buildings energy consumption. It's made up of the unfixed devices, products and appliances commonly plugged in to the electricity network in an office environment.
Up to half of all Small Power can be easily classed as wasted energy use, creating GHG emissions for no reason. For example unused devices which are plugged in but not used or are running needlessly. Until now, there’s been no meaningful way of monitoring this energy load, let alone controlling it.
measurable.energy's approach is to use technology to seamlessly enable energy efficiency without adding to people’s job lists or interfering with a building’s occupants.
Dan is co-founder and CEO of measurable.energy, he's been working the environmental technology sector since 2009 when he undertook an Engineering Doctorate (EngD) with Microsoft to help define ways to calculate the environmental impact of software services. Using the output of his EngD, he began his first company in 2013, Qingtech, working with BBC, Google and others to help them rigorously calculate environmental impacts.
In 2018 Dan started measurable.energy to fill in the gap of not enough action being taken to make a difference to sustainability at the simplest level, turning things off when they don't need to be.
Josh has led the technical development as CTO from the back-of-the-envelope calculations, to first prototype, through successful deployment of over 25 UK pilot trials with grant funding - to the current position - receiving significant scale-up funding in late 2021!
Josh has always had a passion for the intersection between hardware and software solutions and looks forward to bringing experience from his EngD in Machine Learning into the environmental sustainability industry.
Our schedule is as follows:
🔓 12.20pm - CrowdCast room opens
👋 12.30pm - Event starts with a welcome from your meet-up organisers, Ellen, Hannah and Mike
📢 12.35pm - Our famous 60 second intros - a chance for attendees to introduce themselves, ask for help and tell us about something the group might find interesting
💚 12.45pm - Dan and Josh's talk
❓ 1.15pm - Questions
🗓️ 1.25pm - Round-up, other community notices and next event announcement
The event will be recorded and will be available along with the slides to view shortly afterwards.
This is a free online event streaming via the CrowdCast platform. You will see the link once you RSVP. The evening before the event, we'll email those that RSVPed with more details about what to expect when using CrowdCast.
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Green Tech South West