2024 Spring Training Series: Maximum Potential Concentration - Are You Overreporting on NOx?

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2024 Spring Training Series: Maximum Potential Concentration - Are You Overreporting on NOx?

By ESC Spectrum

Join Sarrah Moody, our Regulatory and Reporting Engineer III, in evaluating and changing the NOx Maximum Emissions Rate Default. You could be over-reporting on NOx by using unnecessarily high NOx default during missing data substitution. To determine a new NOx Default for MER, you must evaluate and find your Maximum Potential Concentration. This could lead to new analyzer spans and ranges as well.

“To comply with the annual span and range evaluation provisions of Part 75, you must examine your historical CEMS data at least once per year to see if the current span and range values meet the guideline in Section 2.1 in Appendix A.” When doing a yearly review of span and range, there could be indications that your MER also needs updating.

Sarrah will demonstrate how to evaluate and calculate a new MER with a new MPC and how yearly evaluations of span and range tie it all together.

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ESC Spectrum

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