Free 'Masters Degree Abroad' Workshop

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Free 'Masters Degree Abroad' Workshop

By Wander Onwards

This workshop is for anyone interested in doing a masters degree abroad and are looking for inspiration regarding where to study abroad, how the application process works, what the university visa requirements are like, & so much more.

Welcome to my 'Masters Degree Abroad' Workshop!

My name is Vanessa, I've been abroad for the last 7 years, and I help people make money and moves abroad with my international blog -
This workshop is all about how to do a masters degree abroad, no matter where you're from.
Doing a masters degree abroad (or any other degree abroad) is scary because it just seems to foreign to us initially. But after graduating with honors from my University in London, I can honestly say it was best academic experience of my LIFE!
My UK Masters opened doors for me beyond what I could have expected. My program directly gave me access to:
  • An incredible network both in the UK and abroad!
  • A work/study visa for 2.5 years
  • Clout that I was serious about living and working abroad
  • An opportunity to figure out what I wanted for myself
This was a massive turning point for me. I understood exactly what it took to make it abroad, I leaned on my network to discover opportunities, and fulfilled my life-long dream of living abroad for more than just a summer or semester. Now it's your turn.
This workshop is for anyone who is concerned with the following:
  • What if my undergraduate grades weren't good enough?
  • I didn't take any graduate tests (MCAt, LSAT, etc), would that be okay??
  • How will I pay for this program?
  • What program is right for me?
  • Can I stay in this country after I graduate?
There is absolutely no obligation or cost to join this workshop. It's 100% free and I would encourage you to invite any friends, family or children to join.
**This workshop is also relevant for non-Americans and those interested in doing a Bachelor's Degree abroad**

Vanessa M.W.

Vanessa M.W is a travel tech professional and the creator of the wealth & wanderlust platform, Wander Onwards. Vanessa is originally from Los Angeles, California, she is a proud Chicana, and she has been living abroad for the last 7 years. Today, she helps people build better lives inside the US and abroad through her ‘Move Abroad’ Master Class and financial literacy digital products.


Where will the workshop be held?

We are hosting the workshop on a video conferencing platform called CrowdCast. After processing your payment, Crowdcast will send you a confirmation email with the link to the live class.
Crowdcast will also email you a link 10 minutes before the class just in case. Please search your spam folder and search for an email with the title: ‘Thanks for registering for “Slaying 6 Figure Debt (Debt Workshop)”‘

What if I can’t participate in the workshop live?

The workshop will be recorded and available for replay on both Crowdcast (video platform) and Youtube. This will be emailed to the participant list the morning the workshop.

How long is each class?

The workshop is 1.5 hours. The first hour is all about learning and interactive materials that the class can do together. The last 30 minutes is for questions and comments.

hosted by

Wander Onwards

Wander Onwards


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