Lullabies and Confessions: An Evening of Poetry
By Mystery to Me
Poets Ronnie Hess, Marilyn Zelke Windau, Phyllis Wax, Jeffrey Johannes, and Joan Johannes join us for an evening of poetry. Their work most recently appears in LULLABIES AND CONFESSIONS, from which they'll read at this event!
About Lullabies and Confessions
Lullabies & Confessions is an exquisite book of poetry about parenting and being parented. This volume includes over 100 poems by 45 different poets. The contributors include award winning-poets, therapists and counselors, and parents. Lullabies & Confessions is entertaining and growth-facilitating. The 11th book in the Poetry, Healing, and Growth Series, this book is designed to help readers experience personal growth and deepen self-awareness on their own experience of parenting and being parented. Also included are several exercises to help readers engage more deeply with the poems and begin writing their own poems about the parenting experience.
The poets included in this volume include Carol Barrett, Felice Aull, John C. Mammone, Shoshauna Shy, Nathaniel Granger, Jr., Lois Marie Harrold, Tom Greening, Daniel Ari, Ellaraine Lockie, Michael Moats, Lois Marie Harrold, and many more.
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Mystery to Me