Loan Trusts Deep Dive

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Loan Trusts Deep Dive

By Utmost Wealth Solutions

Our exclusive webinar on Loan Trusts promises to be an eye-opening session that will provide you with valuable insights into how Loan Trusts can benefit you and your clients. Join us on Wednesday 3 May at 9.30 am BST, when our Technical Sales Manager, Steve Sayer, will lead the session and take a deep dive into the world of Loan Trusts. He will explore:
  • Creative ways to apply Loan Trusts
  • How they can be used for IHT planning
  • The opportunities and pitfalls of using them.
Steve will also present several case studies to show you how you can use Loan Trusts in your financial planning to achieve your client’s goals.
As a UK CPD qualifying event, this is an excellent opportunity for you to expand your knowledge and earn valuable CPD points.

hosted by

Utmost Wealth Solutions

Utmost Wealth Solutions

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