Leopold Week 2023: Nurturing Reciprocity
By Aldo Leopold Foundation
Aldo Leopold’s land ethic charges us to imagine: how can we live in community with air, water, soil, and all species? This Leopold Week, modern voices of the conservation movement help us to nurture reciprocity with nature and give back to an Earth that gives so much to us.
Join us from March 3rd - 12th for an inspirational speaker series sure to enhance your connection with nature and the conservation community.
By clicking the "save my spot" button, you will be registered for ALL of the Leopold Week 2023 programs:
Friday, March 3
Nurturing Reciprocity: Leopold Week 2023 Kick-off with Buddy Huffaker and Kim Blaeser at 10:00 AM CT
Join Aldo Leopold Foundation Executive Director Buddy Huffaker as he overviews this year’s speaker series focused on nurturing reciprocity. Past Wisconsin Poet Laureate Kim Blaeser joins, offering poetry to ground us as we kick-off Leopold Week 2023.
Tuesday, March 7
Creating an Inclusive Outdoors Together with James Edward Mills at 12:00 PM CT
James Edward Mills shares his work with the Joy Trip Project–his ongoing project exploring how we can all live in balance with the natural world and each other. Join us for a lunchtime session to identify your role in this important work.
Aldo Leopold and Earth Ethics with Scott Russell Sanders at 7:00 PM CT
Author Scott Russell Sanders asks the question: how would Leopold’s land ethic apply to our planet as a whole? This talk will explore how Leopold’s concept of the living community might be understood on scales ranging from backyards to watersheds to bioregions to the entire planet.
*ASL Interpretation will be provided at this program!
Wednesday, March 8
Writing Wild: Where the Crawdads Sing and A Sand County Almanac in conversation with Delia Owens at 7:00 PM CT
Nature writing is a key entryway to get folks to care for natural environments. Join us in conversation with Delia Owens, author of Where the Crawdads Sing, to discuss the importance of sharing a love of nature through writing–and how her work is inspired by Aldo Leopold.
*ASL Interpretation will be provided at this program!
Thursday, March 9
I Must Return the Gift: Reciprocal Restoration with Robin Wall Kimmerer at 7:00 PM CT
In this session, Robin Wall Kimmerer explores the importance of healing damage we inflict on land. She traces the evolution of restoration philosophy and practice and considers how integration of indigenous knowledge expands our understanding of restoration.
*ASL Interpretation will be provided at this program!
Friday, March 10
Learning to Live a Land Ethic with the 2022 Leopold Fellows at 12:00 PM CT
Future conservation leaders connect to the same land the Leopold family cared for as fellows at the Leopold foundation. Join the class of 2022 Leopold Fellows Sarah, Max, Leah, and Maria to learn how they connect to nature to develop their own land ethic.
Check out the Aldo Leopold Foundation on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and sign up for our e-news to stay up to date on all things Leopold! You can also follow us on Crowdcast to be alerted when we're live with a program.
Once you click "save my spot," you will be registered for all of the above Leopold Week programs. You will attend all programs
at this link! That's right, one link for everything Leopold Week-related: https://www.crowdcast.io/c/leopoldweek23
Programs will be recorded and available after live broadcast. Register to access recordings.
Please note Crowdcast works best on a desktop web browser. Google Chrome is the software's preferred browser. For the best registration experience, we recommend accessing this page via a desktop computer or laptop.
Questions about registering? Reference the Crowdcast Attendee Guide or contact Kyra Lyons at [email protected]
Thank you to our Leopold Week sponsors and partners.

hosted by

Aldo Leopold Foundation