Launch | Miss Nichol is in a Pickle! by Dan Gutman and Jim Paillot

Books of Wonder

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Launch | Miss Nichol is in a Pickle! by Dan Gutman and Jim Paillot

By Books of Wonder

Join Us Online to Celebrate the Launch of this Fruit-tastic Title!

Come and give corn-gratulations to DAN GUTMAN and JIM PAILLOT on the launch of Miss Nichol is in a Pickle, the 100th My Weird School title! This latest title has it all, mischief, mayhem, and tomatoes! When Ella Mentry School's new gardening instructor seems a bit seedy, A.J. and his friends get involved, and that's when things really go to the birds! Plus, if you preorder Miss Nichol is in a Pickle, you get a FREE My Weird School poster showcasing all 100 titles in the series!

In Miss Nichol is in a Pickle, Mrs. Stoker, the school principal, has issued a declaration — Ella Mentry School is going to start a vegetable garden! A.J. is sure that it’s the worst idea in the history of the world. Plus, Miss Nichol, the graduate student turned gardening instructor, is really weird. Like, really, really weird.
When the kids can’t grow donuts from Cheerios or chicken trees from nuggets, they’re left with fruits and vegetables. But what happens when someone — or something — keeps taking bites out of their produce?

Sunday, February 18th at 1PM ET via Crowdcast!

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Books of Wonder


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