One Soldier's Story: A Tennessean in WWII
By Notgrass History
Wesley Notgrass (1915-2007) joined the United States Army in 1941 and served for four years, one month, and seven days in the United States and Europe during World War II.
Based on his grandfather's recollections and wearing his grandfather's uniform, John Notgrass steps into character to share Wesley's life story in a first-person narrative, from growing up in the 1920s and 30s through his experiences during the war.
The presentation is illustrated with photographs from Wesley's collection. Learn how the Great Depression and World War II affected everyday Americans.
This program lasts one hour and is suitable for all ages. There are photographs of destroyed buildings and brief references to bombing and gunfire.
Join us for this live event on June 6 at 2:00 p.m. Central Time. (If you are in a different time zone, your browser should show your local time.)
June 6, 2024, is the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the beginning of the major Allied attack on German forces in northern France that eventually led to the end of the war in Europe.
If you are unable to attend the live presentation, you can watch a replay at the same link.
hosted by

Notgrass History