Principles of Culturally Responsive Garden Education: Honoring Diversity and Inclusion
By KidsGardening
By their nature, gardens embody diversity. Garden education is increasingly recognized as an interdisciplinary approach that integrates academic goals, health and wellness, place-based education, and community connections and relationships. However, discussion of culture is often missing in garden-based education. To share and validate the interests of our culturally diverse students, we will delve deep into the significance of culture as it relates to food and gardens and also as it relates to the diverse populations with whom we work. Through student voices and examples, Dilafruz Williams and Sheila Williams Ridge will share the principles of culturally responsive garden education that honors diversity and inclusion.
Join us in 2023 for a new webinar series in partnership with the Clif Family Foundation: Culturally Inclusive Teaching in the Garden. Starting in January we will explore ways to celebrate and center culture through garden-based learning. Stay tuned for more information on future dates and speakers:
Culturally Inclusive Teaching in the Garden
January: Principles of Culturally-Responsive Garden Education: Honoring Diversity and Inclusion
February: Honoring Native American, Hawaiian, and Alaska Native Culture in Youth Gardens
March: Celebrating African American and Black Culture in Youth Gardens
April: Fostering Hispanic, Latinx and Spanish Origin Culture in Youth Gardens
May: Nurturing Middle Eastern and North African Culture in Youth Gardens
June: Featuring Asian and Asian American Culture in Youth Gardens
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