Kim Fu: Lesser Known Monsters of the 21st Century
By TPLCulture
Called a 'propulsive storyteller' by the NYT Book Review, Kim Fu joins us to discuss her new book, Lesser Known Monsters of the 21st Century. In conversation with Linda Zhang, researcher and editor of Reimagining ChinaTOwn.
In the twelve unforgettable tales of Lesser Known Monsters of the 21st Century, the strange is made familiar and the familiar strange, such that a girl growing wings on her legs feels like an ordinary rite of passage, while a bug-infested house becomes an impossible, Kafkaesque nightmare. Each story builds a new world all its own: a group of children steal a haunted doll; a runaway bride encounters a sea monster; a vendor sells toy boxes that seemingly control the passage of time; an insomniac is seduced by the Sandman. These visions of modern life wrestle with themes of death and technological consequence, guilt and sexuality, as they unmask the contradictions that exist within all of us.
About this event's guests:
Kim Fu
Linda Zhang
This event is part of TPL’s Asian Heritage series.
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