Jenny Odell: Saving Time

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Jenny Odell: Saving Time

By TPLCulture

Jenny Odell, author of the New York Times bestseller How to Do Nothing, joins us to discuss alternative ways to experience time, as she writes about in her book Saving Time–a powerful critique of the modern, industrial conception of time and a deeply hopeful exploration of living beyond the clock.
Taking a deep dive into the fundamental structure of our society, Odell finds that the clock we live by was built for profit, not people. This is why our lives, even in leisure, have come to seem like a series of moments to be bought, sold, and processed ever more efficiently. Inspired by pre-industrial cultures, ecological cues, and geological timescales, we are introduced to a more humane, responsive way of living and urged to become stewards of these different rhythms of life in which time is not reducible to standardized units and instead forms the very medium of possibility.
Jenny Odell talks with Miya Tokumitsu (author of Do What You Love: And Other Lies about Success and Happiness) about Saving Time, a visionary book and call to action that tugs at the seams of reality as we know it—the way we experience time itself—and rearranges it.
About this event’s guests:
Jenny Odell
Miya Tokumitsu
This event is part of our signature Salon Series, where we host local and international authors, artists and thinkers in conversation about their new books and big ideas.
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