Forecasting Solar Power & Managing Water using ML

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Forecasting Solar Power & Managing Water using ML

By Green Tech South West

Join us for our hybrid event with insightful talks combining tech and sustainability with three brilliant speakers - Dan Travers from Open Climate Fix, and two speakers from Yellow Sub, Melin Edomwonyi and Ed Holland.
How you choose to join in is up to you! Join us either:
  • In person at the Engine Shed, Bristol for pizza, drinks and a spot of mingling before the talks. Arrive at the Engine Shed from 6pm for a 6.30pm start.
  • Or attend online and enjoy a welcoming and authentic Green Tech South West experience using CrowdCast. Join online from 6.20pm for a 6.30pm start.
Both sessions close at 8pm. For those in person we'll move to a nearby pub for more networking.
Please tell us your preference for attending when you RSVP so we can order the right amount of food and drinks and prevent food waste or hungry bellies!
Forecasting solar generation - why, how and what next?
Electrical grids must be balanced in terms of supply and demand at every moment in time. Solar PV however is a variable generation source, dependent on cloud cover.
Open Climate Fix is developing a completely open source solution for forecasting of clouds using satellite imagery, weather forecasts and PV data.
Dan will explain us to how this works, the applications, what carbon it is saving and the next steps. He'll also tell us about his journey founding Open Climate Fix.
ABOUT DAN Dan is a mathematician by training. His first job was in energy 20 years ago in Australia, which opened his eyes to this fascinating world of an essential, non-storable commodity. With renewables and batteries, things have changed a lot. In 2019 he co-founded Open Climate Fix.
Reimagining water resource management using Periscope
Building a SasS green tech platform is not short on challenges! Melin and Dan will present:
  • their approach to communicating applied science to a broad range of stakeholders;
  • how they apply these techniques to Periscope, their realtime water simulation product;
  • how they develop data driven modelling tools that empower users to answer their water resource questions with unparalleled speed.
Melin works as Creative Director for BCorp design agency, Yellow Sub Creative, based in Cardiff. Here she cooks up good things for the people and the planet. As well as her work in UX & design leadership, Melin is also a mother to a lifestyle brand Lil Titsy and a host of her new show Mixed & Confused.
Ed works as a Senior Data Machine Learning Engineer at Yellow Sub Hydro. Heโ€™s able to use the skills heโ€™s developed in software and data to contribute to a game-changing climate science project. All the while, soundtracked by some amazing tunes. Ed's record collection is vast from outlaw country to punk, new wave and rock n roll.
Our schedule is as follows:
๐Ÿ”“ 18.00 - Engine Shed doors open for in-person attendees
๐Ÿ”“ 18.20 - CrowdCast online room opens for online attendees
๐Ÿ‘‹ 18.30 - Event starts with a welcome from your meet-up organisers, Ellen, Hannah and Mike
๐Ÿ“ข 18.35 - Our famous 60 second intros - a chance for in-person and online attendees to introduce themselves, ask for help and tell us about something the group might find interesting
๐Ÿ’š 18.50 - Dan's talk
๐Ÿ’š 19.15 - Yellow Sub's talk (Melin and Ed)
โ“ 19.35 - Questions
๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 19.50 - Round-up, other community notices and next event announcement
20.00 - Event close. In person attendees can continue to informal networking at a nearby pub
The event will be recorded and will be available along with slides shortly after.
For those online attendees, we'll email the joining link ahead of the event and more details about what to expect.
This event is made possible by the kind sponsor from:
  • Noughts and Ones, Shopify stores for planet-friendly businesses
  • ADLIB, BCorp certified recruitment
  • Ecologi, a social enterprise platform for funding climate action

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Green Tech South West

Green Tech South West

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