Soldiers’ Stories: The Irish in the British Army
By National Army Museum
Irish soldiers have been a mainstay of the British Army for centuries. Whether fighting to defend or expand the Empire, or enlisting in the First World War, they have a long and distinguished history of military service.
But how has this service shaped the identity of Irish soldiers, especially when faced with competing loyalties and claims as to what ‘Irishness’ and even ‘Ireland’ mean?
In this fascinating talk, Dr Catherine Wynne will examine how those who served in the late 19th and early 20th centuries understood what it meant to be Irish.
Utilising a mixture of art, literature, memoirs and unpublished writings, she will also demonstrate what the culture and media of the time reveals about this complex and intriguing narrative
About Dr Catherine Wynne
Dr Catherine Wynne is Associate Dean for Research and Enterprise in the Faculty of Arts, Cultures and Education at the University of Hull. She specialises in Victorian and post-19th-century literature and visual culture.
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National Army Museum