Inversion Conversion: The Master Class

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Inversion Conversion: The Master Class

By Circus Mobility

When I started training aerial over a decade ago, it was WILD. Most of the knowledge we have today either didn’t exist or wasn’t easily accessible. If your coach said "do a thing," you either trusted them blindly and did it... or you didn’t do aerial. Because those were your choices.
No one was there to tell you what was safe for your shoulders or how to gain overhead mobility.
Surprise, surprise... I got injured. Badly. The doctors weren't exactly sure what was causing my pain, but I couldn't raise my left arm over my head and my shoulder would sublux in my sleep.
The amazing part is that I found a TEAM of movement professionals who I relied on as a sounding board as I self-rehabbed my shoulder. I radically altered my approach and learned everything I could about human movement. I became a Gyrotonic trainer. I studied nutrition. I got various movement certifications. I went ALL the fuck in. And it worked.
Today, you are so lucky. You don’t have to be a pioneer. There is so much information ready for the taking.
Speaking of ready, I'm ready to share everything that I have learned about the biomechanics, the mobility, the strength, and so much more of straight-arm inversions, so that you can skip the pain that I went through.
Why continue to struggle when your path can be easier than mine was?
Are you frustrated that you have gotten this far in your training but still struggle with straight-arm inversions?
Are you eager to dive deep into inversion technique so that you don't just do the thing, but understand why it is working and how to stay safe doing it over the long term?
Are you hoping to better understand this skill to either apply it to more advanced progressions or be a better coach?
If you said yes to any of the above, then this webinar is for you.
In this 3-hr master class, you'll learn about:
🔸 overhead scapular mechanics & why the "scap wrap" matters
🔸 hip anatomy & how that influences leg pathways in inverts
🔸 the "abdominal canister" & how to harness breath for movement
🔸 why "look where you want to go" is such an awful cue
🔸 the physics of inversions
🔸 how to analyze movement to safely train for straight-arm inversions at ALL levels
Let's demystify the straight-arm inversion.

hosted by

Circus Mobility

Circus Mobility


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