Intuition Activation

Rebecca Davison

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Intuition Activation

By Rebecca Davison

A New Year, A New You! It's time to activate your intuition into a whole new level of awareness!
In this 90 minute interactive call, we will be looking at all the places you have turned down your light. Ever been told that you're "too much"? Perhaps that you're too sensitive. Or maybe you just feel like you don't fit in, anywhere? This can signal your subconscious to back away from your truth and your self-expression.
How painful is it to not have the clarity you need? If you have been wondering what it's going to take to fulfill your true potential, to finally get out of your own way, to stop playing small and keep holding yourself back then this is for you!
During this process, we will light your inner flame and get you back on track to using all your perception and your senses so you can see the world in a whole new way - energetically!
When we see things energetically we can:
Keep ourselves safe
Know what to do in any given moment
Trust ourselves to make the right decisions that will bring us happiness
Have the courage to speak up
Express ourselves without blocking our flow through judgment or self-criticism
Feel more free in our bodies and in the world
Create more fun and playfulness in our lives!
We'll be taking you through step by step on this call so you can receive the support and guidance you need to open up to feeling good. It's easier to tune into your intuition when you feel relaxed so we'll be connecting you to a beautiful vibration of energy and you'll learn how to access this ANYTIME.
You'll be letting go of past energies that may have left you feeling stuck, unseen or not able to express yourself fully. You'll be starting the practice of receiving guidance from yourself and learning to TRUST yourself more fully. When you do, life flows!
Your intuition is the KEY to having and creating a magnificent life. All the answers to what serves YOU best are inside of you so join us to activate this amazing gift you have ready and waiting for you!
Love Rebecca

hosted by

Rebecca Davison


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