The Friday Fireside - If you can't set yourself a goal for 2022 set yourself an intention
By The Happy Startup School
Do you struggle with setting goals for the year?
I know I do.
I’m not sure what I really want to achieve.
Or put it another way, I have an idea of what I should try to achieve but I’m not sure if I really want it.
Committing to a goal means not committing to another.
And maybe I’m not sure which one I want to commit to because I’m not sure where I want to get to.
I do know how I want to feel though.
Thinking about my relationship to goals reminds me of a something I learned from Kendra Patterson, founder of the Stepping Off Now podcast, who talked about the difference between a conceptual and experimental type of person.
The conceptual type has a well defined sense of direction and is clear about the THING they want to create.
The experimental type on the other hand evolves their thinking and clarity over time and finds it difficult to focus on one goal early.
I’m coming to understand that when it comes to life I’m more experimental than conceptual.
Which means goals don’t always work for me.
And so, if you’re like me, you’ll appreciate setting intentions more rather than goals.
An intention is a guiding principle that represents your core values, perspectives in life and aspirations. They provide a general direction rather than a clear destination.
Goals on the other hand are more task focused and more valuable when you’re ready to commit to an outcome.
If you’re not sure what outcome you want to commit to but you want to feel like you’re moving in a purposeful direction then join myself, Laurence and Lana Jelenjev to talk about setting powerful intentions for 2022.
hosted by

The Happy Startup School