Films Don’t Change the World: 5 Impact Campaign Myths Debunked

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Films Don’t Change the World: 5 Impact Campaign Myths Debunked

By Looky Looky Pictures

You have big ambitions for your film's impact, but only a vague sense of how to approach it.

In this free interactive live workshop, Ani Mercedes, impact producer and founder of Looky Looky Pictures, will help you:
  • Debunk the 5 common myths about film impact campaigns
  • Gain behind-the-scenes insights
  • Confidently move forward with your film’s impact campaign (at any stage of production!)
If you are a filmmaker who wishes you had a clear impact strategy, are passionate about your film, and want to connect with a community of other impact-minded filmmakers, then this is for you.


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Looky Looky Pictures

Looky Looky Pictures


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