Parmenion x the lang cat: Quantifying the impact of poor service

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Parmenion x the lang cat: Quantifying the impact of poor service

By the lang cat

Last year, the lang cat and Parmenion worked in partnership on an inaugural service impact study, looking to assess the day-to-day consequences that poor service has on advice businesses. We looked at things like the volume of clients the profession had to apologise to on behalf of the sector, where the profession would invest lost time due to service inefficiencies and whether the advice profession felt things were improving at all.

This year, the study is back along with the addition of a special focus on transfer times. Here to discuss that particular issue is Martin Jennings from Parmenion, Marina Herbert (Operations Director of Herbert & Webster) and our very own Mark Polson. Join us for 45 mins on Monday 16th September at 10.30 and bring your questions and suggestions for the panel.

hosted by

the lang cat

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