IBM Cloud Series - Getting Started with Containers

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IBM Cloud Series - Getting Started with Containers

By IBM Developer

Learn how to leverage the IBM Cloud to quickly create containerized applications with Docker, Kubernetes, Istio, and Red Hat OpenShift.
๐ŸŽ“ What you will learn
In this online workshop developers will learn:
* When you are deciding to deploy a solution, an application, or a microservice, an API in the Cloud you might take various approaches. During the workshop the various strategies will be briefly described (the serverless, containers, vm, baremetal). And the suggestions will be given on what technology to use and when * If you are wondering if your system falls well in one of the best scenarios to leverage the cloud - you will find the answer during this workshop. You will find out what are some use cases for easy-to-implement containerized solutions * Also you will learn about popular and best practices for implementing containerized architectures * You will also be able to try on your own to create a containerized microservice using Docker containers * In addition to that you will deploy an image from a public registry to a live kubernetes cluster. You might also be able to do hands-on exercise on building containerized applications based on the GitHub repository, in addition to a container image, or a cloned microservice from github.
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Everyone is welcome to attend this introduction to IBM Cloud series.
๐ŸŽ™ Speaker
* Marek Sadowski, IBM Developer Advocate,

hosted by

IBM Developer

IBM Developer


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