Professional Development Series: Artist Residencies

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Professional Development Series: Artist Residencies

By Anchorage Museum

Nat May from the Onion Foundation will share resources and pathways for career advancement inside of and outside of Alaska available through artist residencies. Gain insight on how and why residency might support your practice. Learn about how to find and evaluate artist residency opportunities throughout the United States. Nat will also share information about his own experiences as part of residency programs.
About the Presenter
Nat is the Arts Program Officer at the Onion Foundation where he advises grants made to arts organizations across the state of Maine. He previously served as the first Executive Director of SPACE in Portland, Maine, where he established The Kindling Fund, supporting individual artist grantees, and launched a residency program for visiting artists. In 2012 Nat co-founded the Hewnoaks Artist Residency in Lovell, Maine, particularly to support Maine artists who had few or no prior residency experiences. He was a founding member of Common Field, a national network of artist organizers. Nat has worked with or advised numerous local and national arts organizations such as National Endowment for the Arts, Creative Capital, Americans for the Arts, The Artist Communities Alliance, The Portland Museum of Art, Maine College of Art, Indigo Arts Alliance, and the Wedding Cake House. In addition to his interest in the arts, Nat worked with Portland Food Co-op to plan and open its retail location, volunteers with the Maine Tool Library, and has trained as a Master Gardener Volunteer.

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Anchorage Museum

Anchorage Museum

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