The Utmost Tax and Trust Howwows: Episode 5

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The Utmost Tax and Trust Howwows: Episode 5

By Paraplanners' Assembly

While it may not be 'back by popular demand', it certainly is by popular demand that we are bringing you a new series of five online Howwows. Late last year we asked you what content you wanted us to try and bring to you. You're an odd lot because you asked for more tax and trust content *rolls eyes dramatically*.
So, not ones to disappoint, we are over the moon to be partnering with Utmost Wealth Solutions to bring you....drum roll...The Utmost Tax and Trust online Howwows. And yes, you read that right. Howwows...plural....because there will be five of them.
So, turn the phone off, grab a bowl of popcorn, and take a legitimate duvet day, because here's how the Utmost Tax and Trust online Howwows will break down into five glorious episodes:

This episode

Episode 5: Family Investment Companies
A review of FICs to highlight considerations when choosing to create an investment company. Airing on 5th July 2018.

Previous episodes

Episode 1: Wrapper taxation for individuals
Considering the different facets of the mainstream wrappers and how they could be used together to create efficient income. Airing on 5th June 2018.
Episode 2: The order of gifting
Avoiding unforeseen IHT. Getting it right for clients that require more than one solution. Airing on 12th June 2018.
Episode 3: Solving trustee trials and tribulations
Looking at the tax and admin problems that trustees face. Airing on 19th June 2018.
Episode 4: Pension death benefits
Is passing the pension fund directly on to the spouse/next generation the best option for all clients? Airing on 26th June 2018.


And the stars of the show? Well, besides you (we had to say that, didn't we?), the series will be brought to you by:
  • Richard Allum - MD of The Paraplanners (and manages to run a few paraplanner events, Powwows and Howwows, or something like that)
  • John Haley - Utmost Wealth Solutions' Technical Sales Manager with nearly 30 years in financial services. John is a Fellow of both the Personal Finance Society and the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investments, as well as being a Chartered and Certified Financial Planner.

Red button extras

Following the shows, Utmost will provide CPD certificates. You'll need to head over to their website and put in your contact details, so they send them to you, and they will ask if you are also OK for them to provide follow up communications but that's up to you to decide.
Your questions answered You can submit your questions before the episodes, on the day in the chat room or even in The Big Tent. Utmost will be hanging around to answer them.
On demand viewing Of course, the episodes will be recorded so if you prefer to watch them in your own time, all in one go, then fill your boots.

Booking your spot on the Tax and Trust sofa

To make sure you don't miss out on any episodes (it would be just awful if you missed an essential part of the plot or the season finale), register for each episode separately.

Register here

So come and join us on the Utmost Tax and Trust online Howwow sofa. There's plenty of room and we have lots of popcorn. Just click the 'save my spot' button.

Got a question? Try these answers on for size

How does this online Howwow thing work?
Save your spot by clicking the button on the top right. It's free, the only thing you have to do is register an account.
On the day of the Howwow just sign back in here. But, we'll also send a reminder email ten minutes before it starts.
On the tech side of things. Viewing the Howwow on browsers such as Chrome or Firefox work best. Headphones are a good idea if you share an office, plus the ability to type so that you can ask questions via the chat feature.
What if I can't make it to the Howwow?
Just sign-in and view a recording of the session whenever it suits you.
Can I ask questions?
Yes! As many as you can throw at our panel. Plus, if you can't make the Howwow, book a spot and add a question beforehand, the panel will then answer it during the event.
Can I suggest a Howwow topic or be on the panel?
Absolutely, the more the merrier. Drop us an email.
Are there more Online Howwows?
You bet your bottom dollar there are, and on lots of useful topics for paraplanners. Watch past and/or register for any upcoming events here.
Powwows vs Howwows - what's the difference?
Here's the Powwow lingo. Powwows are informal gatherings designed by paraplanners for paraplanners to exchange views, learn things, fix things and share things.
Got that? But there's more. Where Powwow gatherings are on a number of topics, Howwows are for those times when we want to focus on ONE topic in particular and, in depth.
Sometimes we meet in person, and sometimes we just like a good chinwag online. Enter Howwows Online.
You can find out more about Powwows or see a full list of all events here.
Actually, my question was on something else
Ooh, we like new questions. Just pop it in an email and send it on its merry way to [email protected].
One last question, what do you do with my details when I sign up?
Crikey, another good question! We’ll use your details to keep you posted on Powwow happenings. From time to time, this will include activities that our supporters are participating in that we think you’ll find interesting. We share information at an aggregate level with our supporters every now and then. Please see our Privacy Policy here for details of how we will process your personal information.

hosted by

Paraplanners' Assembly

Paraplanners' Assembly


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