Howwow online: MiFID II suitability with Dynamic Planner

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Howwow online: MiFID II suitability with Dynamic Planner

By Paraplanners' Assembly

What's it all about?

In this month's Howwow, we're joined by Chris Jones, Proposition Director from Dynamic Planner to take a deep dive into the suitability requirements introduced by MiFID II.
Among other things, we'll cover:
  • Changes in the nature and timing of suitability reports
  • When they're needed (not just with a new product)
  • Periodic assessment of suitability
  • Replacement business and costs
  • Client understanding vs risk warnings
  • Use of appendices and enclosures

Meet the Howwow panel

  • Richard Allum - Founder of The Paraplanners (and manages to run a few paraplanner events, Powwows and Howwows, or something like that).
  • Chris Jones - Proposition Director at Dynamic Planner where he is responsible for the investment process proposition and for ensuring clients investment suitability. Chris has more than 25 years' industry experience and is both a Chartered and Certified Financial Planner.
Our panel will join us on Thursday 29 November, at 1pm for this hour-long online chat.
Want to ask a question on the topic already? Go on, once you've registered, pop your question under the Q&A section - don't wait for the Howwow, or email us here, or ask in real-time on the day.
Join us by pressing the 'save my spot' button.

When is it?

This Howwow online is on Thursday 29 November, 1-2pm. Can't make it? Then watch the replay, available just after the Howwow finishes.
Just click the 'save my spot' button.
See you there!

Continue the chat

If you enjoyed that Howwow, then head over Big Tent and say hello. There's a whole bunch of paraplanners hanging out there.

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For a full list of past events, just click here.


Got a question? Try these answers on for size

How does this Howwow Online thing work?
Save your spot by clicking the button on the top right. It's free, the only thing you have to do is register an account.
On the day of the Howwow just sign back in here. But, we'll also send a reminder email ten minutes before it starts.
On the tech side of things. Viewing the Howwow on browsers such as Chrome or Firefox work best. Headphones are a good idea if you share an office, plus the ability to type so that you can ask questions via the chat feature.
What if I can't make it to the Howwow?
Just sign-in and view a recording of the session whenever it suits you.
Can I ask questions?
Yes! As many as you can throw at our panel. Plus, if you can't make the Howwow, book a spot and add a question beforehand, the panel will then answer it during the event.
Can I suggest a Howwow topic or be on the panel?
Absolutely, the more the merrier. Drop us an email.
Are there more Online Howwows?
You bet your bottom dollar there are, and on lots of useful topics for paraplanners. Watch past and/or register for any upcoming events here.
There isn't an upcoming Howwow listed, when will the next one be?
Sorry about that. We're just confirming the topics and putting together an A-Team panel for it. We do aim for every last Wednesday of the month, at lunchtime (1-2pm for most normal folk), so you can join in while eating your sandwich.
Sometimes we'll throw a curve ball and change the date. That's because we want to bring you AMAZING panel members, and they just can't make Wednesdays. It's as simple as that.
Powwows vs Howwows - what's the difference?
Here's the Powwow lingo. Powwows are informal gatherings designed by paraplanners for paraplanners to exchange views, learn things, fix things and share things.
Got that? But there's more. Where Powwow gatherings are on a number of topics, Howwows are for those times when we want to focus on ONE topic in particular and, in depth.
Sometimes we meet in person, and sometimes we just like a good chinwag online. Enter Howwows Online.
You can find out more about Powwows or see a full list of all events here.
Actually, my question was on something else
Ooh, we like new questions. Just pop it in an email and send it on its merry way to [email protected].
One last question, what do you do with my details when I sign up?
Crikey, another good question! We’ll use your details to keep you posted on Powwow happenings. From time to time, this will include activities that our supporters are participating in that we think you’ll find interesting. We share information at an aggregate level with our supporters every now and then. Please see our Privacy Policy here for details of how we will process your personal information.

hosted by

Paraplanners' Assembly

Paraplanners' Assembly


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