How To Segment Target Accounts for Maximum ROI

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How To Segment Target Accounts for Maximum ROI


Join us for an exclusive webinar on "How To Segment Target Accounts for Maximum ROI".

In this webinar, we'll discuss the fundamental topic of account segmentation, and how you can use your CRM data to drive your ABM strategy. We'll cover:

  • Building the ICPs based on your CRM data
  • Segmenting accounts based on multiple dimensions
  • Account Fit vs Intent
  • Building and enriching target account and contact lists
  • Identifying the “low-hanging fruit” to prioritize budget across segments

This is the 3rd webinar of the new series "The Comprehensive Account-Based Marketing Guide for SaaS (from $0 to $100M ARR)". Save your spot today, and we'll also send you the recording after the event.

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