Information Session: The Heart of Design Program

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Information Session: The Heart of Design Program

By Gould Studio

Information Session: The Heart of Design

Course registration is now open!
Sign-up here:

What is this information session?
This event provides an opportunity to explore more details about the The Heart of Design programs.

What is an online masterclass?
Celebrated designer Peter Gould invites you to join a select group of learners for a unique 5-week online course. He will share experiences and insights based on two decades of running a global design firm.

Please note: This live event is not the course itself, it is a free information session. Course registration will continue to be open during this live event.

About the course
At the intersection of design, entrepreneurship and spirituality is a profound opportunity for personal and professional growth.

This course will inspire your journey towards aligning spiritual aspirations with meaningful, enriching work. Themes and topics include:
  1. Embracing Design Understand the role and potential of design in our world during uncertain times Reframe personal goals, community and global problems as design challenges Discover and embrace Design Thinking as a transformational mindset
  2. Design with Heart Align deep inner purpose and spiritual aspirations with meaningful work Redefine success to consider spiritual & life goals beyond commercial outcomes Envision your journey ahead with engaging, interactive learning activities
  3. Walking the Path Embrace creative & spiritual practises for fostering & maintaining energy Learn practical tools developed by Peter over years of personal experience Design your personal Life Mosaic at the intersection of design & spirituality
  4. Finding the Way Feel inspired by successful startup founders & established creative leaders Experience entrepreneurship as a transformative, not transactional journey Learn ways to overcome tribulations and setbacks on the road towards success
  5. Illuminating the Road Connect with inspiring, like-hearted people across the globe Build a tribe and community to share and enrich your vision Share in discussions with companions seeking purpose and balance

Who is the The Heart of Design for?
The course is designed for anyone seeking to enrich their professional and personal journey. It is intended to be a welcoming, inclusive learning experience for:
  • Aspiring or established startup founders
  • Students, professionals & business owners
  • Stay-at-home parents
No prior experience is needed. You do not need to consider yourself a ‘creative’ - everyone is welcome!

hosted by

Gould Studio

Gould Studio


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