Greener Hours: changing daily behaviours to use energy when its cleanest
By Green Tech South West
Green Tech South West will welcome Vanessa Champniss, co-founder of Greener Hours, to talk about her mission to help people use energy when it's cleanest.
The Greener Hours app provides a personalised and real-time carbon energy forecast, that empowers people to chose to use electricity in their home when it's cleanest.
As the energy that flows into our homes every day is from a complex mix of sources that changes moment by moment, the information provided by the Greener Hours app means we can make an informed choice to switch appliances on and use electricity at times that we now know are best for the planet, whatever type of electricity tarrif we are on.
This talk will also explain how mass-scale mainstream behaviour change is needed to deliver on the UK's commitment to being carbon-neutral in its energy mix.
To meet this goal, we need more than just tech solutions. What’s needed is a focus on understanding and shaping behaviour and using behavioural science in our approach to the climate crisis. In this talk Vanessa will present an argument that says the only thing that truly disrupts markets is behaviour.
Twitter: @greenerhours
FB: @greenerhours
Vanessa is one of the co-founders of Greener Hours along with Martin Pierini and Guy Champniss. Vanessa’s career started in marketing, for years focusing on electronics/domestic appliances having worked for Philips in both Asia and Europe. However, it wasn’t until she became a mum herself that her startup journey began, when the horror of her family’s carbon footprint drove her to start questioning her energy use.
Vanessa on LinkedIn:
This is a free online event streaming via the CrowdCast platform. You will see the link once you RSVP. The evening before the event, we'll email those that RSVPed with more details about what to expect when using CrowdCast.
Our schedule is as follows:
🔓 12.20pm - CrowdCast room opens
👋 12.30pm - Event starts with a welcome from your meet-up organisers, Ellen, Hannah and Mike
📢 12.35pm - Our famous 60 second intros - a chance for attendees to introduce themselves, ask for help and tell us about something the group might find interesting
💚 12.45pm - Vanessa's talk
❓ 1.15pm - Questions
🗓️ 1.25pm - Round-up, other community notices and next event announcement
The event will be recorded and will be available along with the slides to view shortly afterwards.
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ADLIB recruitment -
Supported by:
Future Economy Network -
Climate Action Tech -
hosted by

Green Tech South West