Getting Out of Dysfunctional Relationships
By Emotional Badass
Many of us have been in a relationship that we knew deep down was not healthy, but we stayed in it because we didn't know how to leave or we thought we couldn't do better. Dysfunctional relationships can take a toll on our mental health and emotional well-being, leaving us feeling drained and confused. But it's important to remember that we deserve to be in a healthy and fulfilling relationship. In this livestream, we will explore the signs of a dysfunctional relationship, and discuss effective ways to leave and move on from them. We will also talk about self-care and self-love, which are essential to healing and finding a healthy relationship. It's time to take back control of our lives and put ourselves first. So, if you're ready to break the cycle of dysfunction and start on a path to healing and happiness, join me for this livestream!
hosted by

Emotional Badass