Get Political: How to Advocate During an Election Year Without Risking Your Tax-Exempt Status

Nkoyo Effiong Lewis

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Get Political: How to Advocate During an Election Year Without Risking Your Tax-Exempt Status

By Nkoyo Effiong Lewis

Are you the leader of a nonprofit advocating for women or children?

Do you feel hesitant to speak up about crucial issues because you're unsure what is legally permissible as the leader of a 501c3?

You're not alone.

Discover the legal boundaries and best practices for political activity within 501c3 nonprofits in our upcoming free webinar.

Learn from Nkoyo Effiong Lewis, a former nonprofit attorney and political candidate, as she shares the dos and don'ts and everything in between so you can advocate without fear this election season.

This masterclass is tailored to nonprofit leaders, board members, community organizers, and those that support them.

In just 90 minutes, you'll gain the knowledge and confidence to:
  • Navigate the complexities of tax-exempt regulations during an election year.
  • Enhance your advocacy efforts while staying compliant.
  • Implement effective strategies for promoting social justice.
Plus, upgrade to VIP for only $47 to access exclusive resources that will further empower your advocacy work.

Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your nonprofit’s impact. Secure your spot now and lead your organization towards meaningful change without risking your tax-exempt status.

Knowledge is power.
Knowledge applied is a movement.

hosted by

Nkoyo Effiong Lewis


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