How to meaningfully engage SMEs in achieving net zero emissions
By Green Tech South West
Green Tech South West welcomes George Sandilands, CEO and co-founder at Spherics to talk about how to help small to medium businesses measure, mitigate and manage their environmental impact.
99% of all businesses globally are defined as SMEs. According to EU statistics, they are responsible for around 64% of all emissions. They cross all sectors, they have unique challenges and they lack resources compared with larger organisations.
Whilst many smaller businesses are doing their best to be sustainable, we know that in practice it is often difficult to understand what to do, and how to do it. There is much confusion, jargon and so-called ‘greenwashing’ out there.
Spherics was formed when two colleagues at a Bristol-based creative agency, now co-founders at Spherics, began to look for tools to support decarbonisation. They concluded that what was on offer was either too expensive (consultants), too time-consuming (detailed surveys requiring much source data) or insufficient (such as a tool measuring fuel and electricity consumption alone). Spherics’ mission is to cut through the noise and make environmental action accessible and approachable for any business.
Working with a clever combination of technology and climate science expertise, Spherics evaluates a company's footprint and presents it back with actions and solutions that can bring organisations in line with the latest science-based targets.
George will explain the key features of the Spherics product, how it works and discuss some of the wider issues in relation to sustainability for small and medium-sized businesses.
George leads Spherics day to day as co-founder and CEO.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/george-sandilands/
This is a free online event streaming via the CrowdCast platform. You will see the link once you RSVP. The evening before the event, we'll email those that RSVPed with more details about what to expect when using CrowdCast.
Our schedule is as follows:
🔓 12.50pm - CrowdCast room opens
👋 1:00pm - Event starts with a welcome from your meet-up organisers, Ellen, Hannah and Mike
📢 1.05pm - Our famous 60 second intros - a chance for attendees to introduce themselves, ask for help and tell us about something the group might find interesting
💚 1.15pm - George's talk
❓ 1.45pm - Questions
🗓️ 1.55pm - Round-up, other community notices and next event announcement
The event will be recorded and will be available along with the slides to view shortly afterwards.
Sponsored by:
ADLIB recruitment - www.adlib-recruitment.co.uk
Supported by:
Future Economy Network - www.thefutureeconomynetwork.co.uk
Climate Action Tech - www.climateaction.tech
hosted by

Green Tech South West