Founders Focus - Ep45 - Up close and personal with Barb Hyman, CEO of Sapia

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Founders Focus - Ep45 - Up close and personal with Barb Hyman, CEO of Sapia

By Hung Lee

Founders Focus is the show where we get up close and personal with the leaders of the businesses changing the way we work today.

Next up is Barb Hyman, CEO of Sapia. I had the great pleasure of meeting up with Barb for a coffee in Shoreditch earlier this year and I'm delighted to be able to reconnect with her on her founder story and what exactly made her embark on the journey of recruitment technology entrepreneurship

- When did you realise you had to do Sapia?
- Were you always thinking about becoming an entrepreneur?
- From a UX POV, what are the main differences in being a CEO vs C-level employee?
- How did you start in the HR / TA world?
- Why do you think so few recruitment tech entrepreneurs actually come from recruitment background?
- Do you think this is a problem?
- What have you discovered about yourself as a leader?
- What decisions would you take back if you had the chance?
- Coming from Down Under, what are the main challenges for global breakthrough?
- What recommendations and warning signs would you give to people thinking about tech startup?
- Brand change - why and...did it make a difference?
- What is new with Sapia in 2024?
- How do you think recruitment will change in the next 5 years?

All this and more as we take a deep dive into the business leaders building the technology changing the way we work today.

Wednesday 19th June, 12pm BST

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Ep45 of Founders Focus is supported by Sapia

Sapia’s automated chat lets you interview everyone. And because it’s low pressure, every candidate will bring you their real and best self.

The result? You see the whole person, not just their CV.

Welcome to Sapia, the automated interview solution which enables high volume employers to scale up their interviews, whilst giving job candidates a 95% satisfaction score. Intrigued?

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hosted by

Hung Lee

Hung Lee


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