Livestream: Fred Nicora

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Livestream: Fred Nicora

By Mystery to Me

About the book

Everyone learns to accept life’s twists and turns as they live out the daily rituals of their lives. But what happens when an event completely alters one’s understanding of everything about the world in which they live, including who they are? Forbidden Roots brings the audience into the author’s inner most thoughts as he sees his foundation swept away with a simple slip of the tongue at the age of 41 while attending a large family gathering with his children and wife. This gripping true story about suddenly being unexpectedly thrust into the world of adoption explores the expected and the unexpected as the author seeks to understand his new identity and re-frame his past.
Things like this aren’t supposed to happen, but they do. From being dealt with the unexpected to dealing out the unexpected, ride along with the author on his journey of twists, turns and bomb shells.

About the author

Fred Nicora has followed a path of unexplained restlessness ignited by undisclosed triggers in his efforts to find the right fit for his own identity and seek truth in his life. Careers explored on his journey include health care administration, architecture, business consulting, teaching, and his own entrepreneurial endeavors including a startup fitness-based company and now authoring his story of being thrust into the adoption triangle.
Fred holds a B.S. in Business Administration, an M.S. in Management Technology, a master’s in architecture and a secondary lifetime Teaching license via a master’s program. Following a traumatic life altering event, Fred struggled with drug and alcohol addiction, eventually finding sobriety and his need for spiritual, mental, and physical health.
A father of three grown children, Fred currently lives and maintains a small hobby farm in Southeastern Wisconsin.

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Mystery to Me

Mystery to Me


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