Fantastic Fall Middle Grade Reads!

Books of Wonder

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Fantastic Fall Middle Grade Reads!

By Books of Wonder

Tune in for These Spooky and Spectacular Reads!

Here you'll find a town shrouded in mystery, a pair of best friends forced to fight each other for what they most want, making for two novels sure to thrill and chill you!

Tune in for:
  • Scarewaves by TREVOR HENDERSON. The small town of Beacon Point has always been plagued by eerie local phenomena. It’s a town where disappearances are common, strange creatures have been sighted with unnerving frequency, and a ghastly secret lurks in the woods. The adults in town are oblivious to these strange occurrences, but a group of kids will come face to face with the horrors hiding within their sleepy town. Guided by the mysterious radio host Alan Graves, they must follow the clues to a terrifying secret before it eats them alive.
  • The Beast, the Queen, and the Lost Knight by ALEXANDRA ROGERS. Human Caedmon and brimming-with-illegal magic Ellie are best friends and Knights of the Round Table... in training. To graduate to the next level, they must complete three quests. If they fail, they’ll have to repeat the same year forever. When Ellie is exposed as a witch and her magic is locked away, she must steal the source of the knights' power, and a wicked sorcerer will restore her magic. On the other hand, Caedmon's quests leads him to protect the source of the knights' power. If Caedmon wants to graduate — and save the realms from certain disaster — he'll have to betray his best friend, forcing him to choose what truly matters most to him: knighthood or friendship. Will they complete their challenges? Or will they lose each other?
Saturday, November 4th at 4PM via Crowdcast!

hosted by

Books of Wonder


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