SEO Office Hours: Changes To Make Based on Google API Leak

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SEO Office Hours: Changes To Make Based on Google API Leak

By Dmitry from

TopicRanker SEO Office Hours June 2024!

We'll talk about the following findings in Google API leak and what our team is changing:
  • Page title matching being a surprisingly important factors in ranking
  • Value of "experienced author" with a online presence contributing on your blog
  • Optimizing for clicks from Chrome browser, showing only part of your blog post on LinkedIn, in newsletter email and nudging your recipients to click to your site
  • Outlinking in your posts is not that important, it's mainly connected to spam score
  • Link building from lower authority sites is not worth while, we thought a well rounded combination of high authority and low authority is a good idea, but that's not what the leak data tells us.
15 minutes to discuss Google API Leak and then we'll open it up to you to ask questions! Here are just some of the questions people have asked already:
  • How can I pick a keyword and know 100% that I'll rank in top 3 spots in a week for it?
  • Why are none of my blog posts are ranking on Google?
  • I used to rank for this keyword but now I'm not ranking, what should I do to get my ranking back?
Feel free to bring any of your SEO questions to the table.

This SEO Clinic is part of our new Crowdcast series which we'll run every month to connect with our customers, answer your questions and share best practices.

About the host:

I'm Dmitry Dragilev, founder of TopicRanker. I’ve worked in SEO for the last 12 years. Started and scaled 3 startups from scratch to acquisition by Semrush in 2023, by Google in 2014, by early employees of Slack in 2024. Case studies here.

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Dmitry from

Dmitry from


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