By Engineer or By Supplier?
By WoodWorks
By Engineer or By Supplier? How “involved” to be in choosing engineered lumber
Since Engineered Lumber Products are proprietary, there is a range of opinions about how much information to show on a set of Structural drawings. Should the framing choices be left to a supplier (similar to roof trusses), or should specific sizes and grades be specified?
This decision affects the time-sensitive process of putting together an estimate and can affect the quality of the construction itself. Through our experience working on over 100 mid-rise projects, we provide 5 examples where information provided on the Structural Plans can make a big difference.
Andy Teasell, P.Eng.
Andy Teasell is a professional engineer with over 30 years of experience in the construction industry including: project management, structural engineering, wood component design, and field problem resolution. Based in Surrey, B.C., Andy is the Senior Engineer in Canada for Weyerhaeuser’s “Trus Joist” line of wood products. Through his interactions with Builders, Engineers, Architects, and Inspectors, he has seen what works well (and not-so well!) in the construction industry.
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