ELEVATE Conference 2022 - All In: Energizing School Communities through Inclusive Practices
By DC Special Education Cooperative
What does it mean to be ‘all in’? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, being all in shows a lot of determination and a willingness to take a big risk in order to achieve something.
For students with disabilities to succeed in our schools, we collectively must be all in. This year’s ELEVATE conference will be a series of facilitated conversations with school leaders, teachers, students, and community members that highlight inclusive practices and drive home the importance of being all in.
8:30am: Morning Meditation with La Sarmiento
9:00am: Keynote address by Dr. Gregory C. Hutchings, Jr., founder and chief executive officer of Revolutionary ED, LLC. Dr. Hutchings is a nationally recognized educational leader, antiracism activist, published author, and college professor who unapologetically advocates for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and racial equity in education.
Community Conversations (times subject to change)
10:00am Why We Need Universal Design for Learning
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a way of thinking about teaching and learning that helps give all students an equal opportunity to succeed. This session will focus on schools that have prioritized UDL and how it has transformed teaching and learning.
11:00am Equitable Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
Schools need strong Tier 1 supports to ensure all students receive the interventions they need. Join us for this talk where representatives from Washington Latin discuss their experiences building MTSS into an existing school, and building a school with MTSS from the beginning.
12:00pm Uplifting Students through Transition Supports
Students who receive strong transition supports find their post-secondary paths effectively. Join us to hear from a current student, a former student, and an administrator about how their program uplifts students with disabilities and improves their post-secondary outcomes.
All conference attendees will be entered in a giveaway to receive a signed copy of Dr. Hutchings' book, Getting into Good Trouble at School: A Guide to Building an Antiracist School System.
hosted by
DC Special Education Cooperative