Diastasis Recti: Risk Reduction & Treatment
By Lady Bird Physical Therapy
Have you heard of a diastasis recti (DRA)? It's become such a buzzword. This webinar is going to break down some of the myths and fears people have around diastasis recti and help reframe the way you approach reducing the risk of developing a DRA during pregnancy as well as how you regain strength and control of your core postpartum.
This course is for pregnant people concerned about developing a diastasis recti, postpartum people struggling to navigate their DRA, and anyone interested in learning more about diastasis recti.
During this mini-course, we'll be covering:
- The anatomy of a diastasis recti
- How common DRA is and why that's the case
- DRA prevention and risk reduction
- How to minimize the severity of a diastasis recti
- A demonstration of how to assess your DRA
- If there there really exercises you should avoid?
- Where you can start rehabbing your core and how to progress in the future
- 3 basic exercises to address your diastasis recti
hosted by
Lady Bird Physical Therapy