Descript & SquadCast Community Town Hall

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Descript & SquadCast Community Town Hall

By Descript

The other day at Descript Season 5, we announced that Descript and SquadCast are joining forces. We know that with this acquisition comes questions — whether you’re a Descript user, a SquadCast user, or both, you might be wondering what this means for your account, feature access, your wallet, and of course, your community.

Join Community Managers Christiana and Arielle on Thursday, August 17th for a Descript & Squadcast Community Town Hall. We’ll cover everything you need to know about this change, plus provide you with more context about how we got here, and where we’re headed. Plus, Zach Moreno, SquadCast’s co-founder, will be waiting in the wings to share more technical product details so you know what to expect from us going forward.

We hope to see you Thursday! This event will be recorded and a replay will be sent out afterward.

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