Demystifying Front-End Security with Tim Kadlec

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Demystifying Front-End Security with Tim Kadlec

By Smashing Membership — @scottwhitebread

Every day, billions of people around the world use the web to work, to find information, and to be entertained. When they come to your site, they trust you to provide them with a good experience. They expect a site that loads quickly, that works in their browser, and that is well designed. And though they may not vocalize it, they certainly expect that experience will be safe: that any information they provide will not be stolen or used in ways they did not expect.
That trust is an important thing, and it’s up to us to make sure it’s justified. But security is an intimidating topic. There are so many different types of attacks, so many different ways that information can be exposed. It can be difficult to wrap our heads around.
In this webinar, we’re going to make front-end security more approachable.

hosted by

Smashing Membership — @scottwhitebread

Smashing Membership — @scottwhitebread


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