Deep Learning with JavaScript with TensorFlow.js - Hands On Approach

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Deep Learning with JavaScript with TensorFlow.js - Hands On Approach

By IBM Developer

Machine learning can be used for many tasks including image or audio classification, facial recognition, object recognition, image caption generation, and natural language processing. And with TensorFlow.js developers can embed pre-trained machine learning models or train new models directly in JavaScript.
TensorFlow.js enables real-time machine learning directly in the browser or edge device, improving data security and removing dependency on slow and unreliable network API calls. Learn how to get started with TensorFlow.js and explore the opportunities and the challenges around deploying machine learning models in JavaScript.
🎓 What you will learn In this hands-on workshop developers will learn:
  • what is deep learning
  • what is TensorFlow.js
  • how to get started with TensorFlow.js
  • deploy deep learning models on the cloud
👩‍💻 Who should attend
  • Data scientists looking to explore Deep Learning
  • Software developer who want to get started with Tensoflow.js
âś… Pre-requisites Sign up for IBM Cloud -
🎙️Speakers Va Barbosa, IBM Developre Advocate,

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IBM Developer

IBM Developer


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