Deep-dive into containers and container orchestration

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Deep-dive into containers and container orchestration

By IBM Developer

🌟 Overview
If you are starting your journey into the containerized world, the first thing you’ll come across is Docker. This webinar gives you a quick start by providing you with the tools to play with Docker, Dockerfiles, and the Red Hat® Quay container registry.
🎓 What will you learn?
🔥How to write a docker file, build it to an image and run it as a container.
👩‍💻 Who should attend?
All Developers interested in Microservices and cloud-native development are welcome to attend the webinar!
👩‍🏫 Prerequisites
☁ Register for a free IBM Cloud Account:
☁ Create a free Docker Account and install its CLI:
☁ Register for the live stream and access the replay
🎙️ Speaker
Mohamed Sherif, IBM Client Advocate
Sbusiso Mkhombe, IBM Developer Advocate

hosted by

IBM Developer

IBM Developer


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