Sports Related Concussions & Circus Arts

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Sports Related Concussions & Circus Arts

By The Circus Doc

Join Sports Related Concussion (SRC) expert Dr David Munro for the June Circus Smart Speaker Series lecture.

In this talk he will cover the complex and challenging clinical presentation of SRC. Though the research emphasis on professional contact sports such as NFL, NHL and other global football codes is significant, SRC is also very prevalent within the circus world.

This lecture will present some of the latest evidence-based research surrounding SRC and the pathways for acute care, rehabilitation and safe return to activity. Although the interest in SRC continues to grow in this complex and evolving presentation, little is known within the context of circus artists.
Return to training and performance protocols for circus artists will be explored.

Can't make it live?
** RECORDING AVAILABLE ** for one week afterwards.

During the talk Dr. Munro will answer questions including:
  • What actually is SRC?
  • How is it diagnosed?
  • What are the typical symptoms?
  • Is there a return to training and performance protocol for circus artists?
And of course anything else you would like to ask him!! The talk will be followed by a Q&A in which you can get your questions in. (Can't make it and have a burning question!?! You can even add it in advance and have it answered live!)

More About Dr. Munro:
David is a highly qualified physiotherapist who also holds a PhD in from Monash University. With over 27 years of experience, David is the Principal Physiotherapist at Absolute Physiotherapy. During this time he helped establish the Health Care Team at The National Institute of Circus Arts (NICA) in 2001 and remains their Head Physiotherapist. In 2004 David was awarded a prestigious Churchill Fellowship to investigate the role of physiotherapy in Circus Arts.
In 2014 David published the world’s first peer-reviewed paper on circus injuries in a student cohort. This has lead to a new and exciting pathway of research and he has been recently collaborating with other clinical leaders in this field to develop a global Circus Arts research platform. He is the Co-Editor of Circus: Arts, Life and Science, a new open-access and peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the Circus Arts.
Complimenting his clinical role at Absolute Physiotherapy, David is also a sessional lecturer at Swinburne University and regularly supervises undergraduate and postgraduate Physiotherapy students as part of their clinical placements.

Join Dr David Munro and I for this important conversation to support our circus artists!

hosted by

The Circus Doc


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